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Protecting your mental health

Mental health isn’t just about making sure your stress level is at a minimum. It is very important for both a healthy and productive life.

Keeping your mental health on check helps you:

Stay Productive: Most of the time, overthinking is inevitable. This makes it almost impossible to do efficient work. A key step is being able to let go for a moment, especially when you have no power over the situation.

Adapt the art of resilience: Letting the small things weigh you down will make you struggle to face life’s actual challenges. Protecting your mental health ensures you’ll be able to face any problem that comes your way.

Establish stability for others: If your mental health is in turmoil all the time, it could affect the stability of the people around you, because you rely on each other.

                                          How to protect your mental health.

Protecting your mental health starts with separating your internal state of mind from what is going on around you.

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Speaking Up.

Opening up to friends and family is crucial. It is not a sign of weakness. It shows you are strong enough to show others you are not perfect.

Reducing your screen time.

Social media has its positive side but let’s not forget about the negative aspect. Internalising all the bad news and anger online will not help your health mentally in anyway. It is important to reduce the time spent online.

Don’t forget to Eat.

People tend to forget to eat when their mental health isn’t at its best. Medical experts call the gastrointestinal tract the second brain. It is necessary to feed it in a healthy manner in order to function properly.

Give yourself a break.

It is necessary to cut yourself some slack when things get really tough. Take a break. Read a book. Take a nap, go for a walk. Do something for yourself.

The bottom line is whatever you’re going through right now, always remember your mental health matters. Whether the pandemic is messing with you or you are just trying to get yourself together, make time for yourself in order to conquer stress.

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In Five Months, Nigeria Customs Generate N573bn

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Customs Corner

Chairman House Committee on Customs and Excise Inspects NCS Facilities in Abuja



Commends CGC Adeniyi’s Tremendous Leadership Skills

Author: Abra Iruoghene.

The Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service, Adewale Adeniyi, took the Chairman House Committee on Customs and Excise on an oversight visit to Customs Facilities at the Federal Capital Territory on Wednesday, 15 July 2024.

Represented by the Deputy Comptroller-General of Customs and Commander, Training and Doctrine Command, Gwagwalada, Suleiman Bomai, the Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, extended his appreciation to the House Committee on Customs and Excise for their continuous support and dedication to NCS.

Speaking further, Adeniyi disclosed the importance of collaboration between the legislative and the executive arms of government. He said, “NCS has a remarkable way of achieving its objective by equipping officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the economic challenges of Customs administration in the twenty-first century. The Command and Staff College, Gwagwalada, is committed to providing world-class training and professional development for our personnel”.

He said, “The students of the College have witnessed firsthand education and professionalism. NCS has also made impeccable strides by enhancing their personnel capacity in securing the nation’s border, facilitating legitimate trade and generating revenue for the national economy. ”

Bashir described the Chairman’s tour of the facilities, which includes the new NCS’ Cooperate Headquarters, Customs Hospital, Karu, NCS Federal Capital Territory command, Customs Technical Hanger Services Limited, NCS Hotel and Nigeria Customs Command and Staff College, Gwagwalada, as one that will be remembered and cherished by the Service.

The Commandant of the Command and Staff College, Gwagwalada, Assistant Comptroller General of Customs Kingsley Egwuh, said 1,500 officers of junior and senior staff courses have graduated since the college’s inception. He stated the College has also produced 96 members of directing staff who attended the Senior Course and were exemplary in learning and character and were retained as lecturers in the College for two years.

He highlighted that the College has successfully posted and facilitated various programmes and workshops, which include the Time Release Study, Advance Ruling, Operation Whirlwind and many others.

Furthermore, Comptroller Olu Adebisi, the Customs Area Controller, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Area Command, during the visit, revealed that the Command had surpassed their ‘half of the year’ revenue target of 6 billion naira and was able to bring some manufacturers under excise control.

The Chairman House Committee on Customs and Excise, Hon. Leke Abejide, applauded CGC Bashir for his immense leadership skills and his achievements within a short period of time,

He said, “Customs is well organised and disciplined, the professionalism and Corporate Social Responsibility shown in the hospital is amazing. We are making provisions for Customs’ Primary Healthcare Centers to be built nationwide. Also, two years from now, NCS will have a University”. He added.

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Customs Corner

Customs Police Unit to Strengthen Collaboration for Improved Capacity Building with Military Counterpart



Author: Lucy Nyambi.

The Nigeria Customs Service Police Unit and the Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police have pledged to strengthen their collaboration to improve capacity building.

In a statement from the office of the Provost Marshal, Nigeria Customs Service Headquarters in Abuja, it was noted that this promise was made during a visit by Comptroller Sani Yahaya, the Comptroller of Customs Police (Provost Marshal, Nigeria Customs Service), to Brigadier General Abubakar Garba, the Acting Provost Marshal (Army), at the Headquarters of the Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police in Asokoro, Abuja, on Thursday, 18 July 2024.

The statement indicated that Comptroller Yahaya, in his remarks, thanked Brigadier General Garba for granting them the audience and noted that the visit was to strengthen the existing relationship between the Nigerian Army and the Nigeria Customs Service. He also solicited continuous support and collaboration, particularly in training and manpower development for personnel of the Customs Police Unit.

“We solicit your continuous support in the area of training and manpower development for our personnel,” he stated.

Brigadier-General Abubakar Garba expressed his pleasure at receiving the Comptroller of Customs Police. He acknowledged the long-standing partnership between the NCS and the NA. He assured continued collaboration and support from the Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police in various aspects of training.

“We want to assure you that the NA Corps of Military Police continuously supports and collaborates with Nigeria Customs Police in various aspects of training.” He assured.

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Customs Corner

PH Oil and Gas FTZ Onne Customs Commissions New Barracks at Bonny



Author: Ibe Wada.

The Nigeria Customs Service, PH Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Command Onne, on 16 July 2024, commissioned a new Customs Barracks at Bonny Island in Rivers State.

This was contained in a press statement issued by the Command’s Public Relations Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Customs II, Paul Gimba, on 18 July 2024 on behalf of the Customs Area Controller (CAC) Comptroller Usman Seriki.

The statement reads, “The Customs Area Controller (CAC), Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone Onne, Comptroller Usman Seriki on 16 July 2024 commissioned the new customs barracks at Bonny Island. Comptroller Seriki appreciated the Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC) Adewale Adeniyi for his commitment to improving officer’s welfare”.

The CAC urged officers to reciprocate the CGC’s kind gesture by improving their commitment to duty.

The statement also recognised the attendance by representatives of sister government agencies, including the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the Nigerian Army, Nigerian Navy, Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), and Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (NLNG Ltd).”

“These agencies’ presence highlighted the collaborative spirit in ensuring security and efficient operations at Bonny Island.”

Comptroller Seriki engaged in an interactive session with staff from SAIPEM and the Project 7 team of NLNG Ltd, focusing on ongoing projects and cooperation to improve trade and operational efficiency.

Mr. Michael Igoni, Head of Government Relations at NLNG Ltd, expressed gratitude towards the Nigeria Customs Service Oil and Gas FTZ Command for facilitating the smooth production and export of LNG from Bonny Island.

He noted the integral role of the Customs Service in supporting industrial activities and economic growth in the region.

In another development, Comptroller Seriki also paid homage to the Amayanabo and Traditional Ruler of the ancient Bonny Kingdom, His Majesty King Dr. Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, who the Chairman of the Council of Chiefs represented.

He acknowledged the Royal Father’s significant contribution to the community and the Customs Service, reflecting the strong relationship between traditional leadership and the service.

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