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Customs Corner




Ag CG Customs

1. Today, we gather here to mark the beginning of a new era in the Nigeria Customs Service. I stand before you as the newly appointed Comptroller General, humbled and honoured by the trust placed in me by our esteemed President, His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR. This call to duty signifies a great responsibility, a responsibility to serve our nation as trade facilitators and enforcers of government policy. It is a delicate balancing act that demands professionalism, integrity, and the highest ethical standards.

2. Over the past eight years, the Nigeria Customs Service has embarked on a journey of transformation, focused on reforms, restructuring, and revenue generation. We have witnessed critical adjustments to meet the evolving needs and strategic objectives of our Service. As beneficiaries and ambassadors of these reforms, many of us have played pivotal roles in training, retraining, and mentoring the future generation of Customs officers.

3. Today, we stand at the precipice of an exciting future, one that builds upon the achievements of the past and takes us even further. Our administration is committed to adopting a bottom-up approach, where the needs of our dear nation take precedence over everything else. We will prioritize efficiency in service delivery as the bedrock of trade facilitation and revenue generation. No longer shall encumbrances impede trade; we shall dismantle obstacles and foster a new culture of consultations and compliance.

4. In order to achieve our objectives, it is imperative that we bridge the current human resource gap within our ranks. We recognize the importance of capacity building and career advancement for our officers. The administration will work diligently to implement career advancement opportunities approved by the board, ensuring that competence remains

the sole criterion for assigning responsibilities and measuring effectiveness. Our focus is on cultivating a highly skilled workforce that is equipped to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

5. Staff welfare is of paramount importance to us. We acknowledge the harsh and hostile environment in which our officers and men are compelled to function. Therefore, we commit ourselves to prioritize the welfare and well-being of our personnel. By providing better remunerations, improved accommodation, life insurance, and quality healthcare, we aim to create an environment that supports and motivates our workforce. We understand that a well-motivated team is instrumental in achieving our aims and objectives.

6. As we embark on this new journey, we recognize the need for collaboration and partnerships. We value the relationships we have built with our Partner Government Agencies and the private sector. These collaborations have been vital to our adoption of technology as a tool to enhance revenue generation and streamline processes. We will strengthen these partnerships and engage with stakeholders through revitalized platforms. By promoting dialogue, we can resolve disputes and advance mutually beneficial solutions that lead to more efficient and effective service. The Nigeria Customs Service will continue to treat its esteemed stakeholders as partners who have a stake in our success.

7. Furthermore, this administration is firmly committed to fairness. We shall treat all stakeholders, traders, and officers alike with impartiality and respect. Our decisions and actions will be guided by principles of transparency and discipline. We understand that our conduct shapes the public’s perception of the Service, and we will strive to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour. Indiscipline will not be tolerated as we prioritize fairness and equity.

8. My predecessor had taken significant steps towards Customs Modernization, and it is our duty to build on those gains. Staff welfare and capacity building have been revolutionized under the previous administration, with the provision of decent packages and the

introduction of staff courses. This administration will build upon those gains to ensure the continuous growth and development of our workforce. All these efforts will be channelled towards ensuring that the real potentials of the Service are achieved.

9. It is crucial for us to recognize the modern realities and challenges to Customs operations. In today’s interconnected and technologically advanced world, we face emerging threats that require our utmost attention. E-commerce, global supply chains, and transnational criminal networks pose challenges to our role as custodians of trade facilitation and enforcement. We must adapt to these changing landscapes, leveraging technology, intelligence-led operations, and effective risk management strategies. Collaboration with international partners, law enforcement agencies, and customs administrations of other nations will be vital in combating illicit trade and securing our national interests.

10. Before I conclude, I want to acknowledge a significant milestone in our journey towards Customs modernization. Recently, the Nigeria Customs Service witnessed a remarkable achievement with the signing of the new Customs Act. This act marks a pivotal moment in our efforts to enhance trade facilitation, streamline procedures, and strengthen enforcement measures.

11. The new Customs Act provides us with a robust legal framework that aligns with international best practices, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and compliance in our operations. It empowers us to effectively tackle emerging challenges, adapt to evolving trade dynamics, and safeguard our national interests. Under this act, we have the opportunity to introduce innovative measures that will further enhance our customs processes, such as the implementation of advanced risk management systems, the integration of cutting-edge technologies, and the simplification of trade procedures. These advancements will not only boost our revenue generation capabilities but also promote a conducive business environment that attracts investments and spurs economic growth.

12. I assure you that we are fully committed to the successful implementation of the new Customs Act. We will work diligently to familiarize our officers and stakeholders with its provisions, ensuring its effective application across all our operations. Through comprehensive training programs and continuous engagement, we will create awareness and understanding of the act’s importance in achieving our shared goals.

13. As we embrace this new era under the Customs Act, we must remember that its success relies on our collective efforts. I call upon all officers, personnel, stakeholders, and the public to embrace the spirit of compliance, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Together, we can unlock the full potential of our customs service and contribute to the prosperity of our beloved nation.

14. I express my profound gratitude to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, for the opportunity bestowed upon me to serve our great nation. I assure the President and his government of our unwavering commitment to the success of this administration. Together, with the dedicated men and women of the Nigeria Customs Service, we will pursue excellence and strive to surpass the expectations placed upon us.

15. Let us forge ahead with determination, knowing that we have the tools, the vision, and the unwavering spirit to excel in our duties. May God bless the Nigeria Customs Service and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you, and may God bless the Nigeria Customs Service and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Customs Corner

Customs, National Hospital Holds Service of Songs for Late DC Essien



Customs, National Hospital Holds Service of Songs for Late DC Essien

… To be Awarded with Post-Mortem Promotion to Comptroller of Customs

By Abra Iruoghene

The Nigeria Customs Service and the National Hospital held a Service of Songs for the Late Deputy Comptroller of Customs in charge of Revenue Etop Andrew Essien, who passed on on June 25 2024, at the National Assembly while making a presentation before the House Committee on Public Accounts.

The Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, while speaking at the event on 23 July 2024, noted he was out of the country when he heard the sad news of Essien’s demise. He said he was greatly bereaved to lose such a professional who was an epitome of excellence.

Describing DC Essien, Adeniyi said he was someone who took on every assignment and gave the best he had. “He was always prepared with facts and figures to defend the NCS”, he added.

Adeniyi said, “If money could bring him back, the Nigeria Customs Service would have done all they could to bring him back to life. The NCS will live up to those values he died for, which are Professionalism and Sincerity. ”

Still speaking, he said, “The NCS will give the late DC a burial of heroes. A meeting has been held on his behalf, and a proposal will be submitted to the Customs Board for a post-mortem promotion to the rank of Comptroller of Customs. Also, the children are now my friends. They are the children of heroes and will be treated as such. ”

He further encouraged officers to serve wholeheartedly with discipline and professionalism. Stating those who sacrifice their lives in the Nigeria Customs Service will not sacrifice in vain but will be remembered forever.

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Customs Corner

ACG Yusuf Emphasises Thorough Inspection to Prevent Entry of Illicit Items



ACG Yusuf Emphasises Thorough Inspection to Prevent Entry of Illicit Items

… Urges TCIP Officers to Adhere Strictly to Established Procedures

By Ibe Wada

The Zonal Coordinator of Zone A, Assistant Comptroller General of Customs (ACG) Saidu Yusuf, has emphasised the critical importance of intensifying cargo examination at Tincan Island Port to enhance national safety.

During his working visit to the command on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, Yusuf highlighted the necessity of rigorous checks to prevent the entry of expired products and illicit drugs into the country.

“We need to intensify our examination of cargo, as this is a main exercise for the Nigeria Customs Service. There is a need for thorough inspections at every stage, using the various parameters and tools provided by the service,” Yusuf stated.

“We also face issues with illicit and expired products. Beyond revenue collection, our role is to protect the lives and safety of the nation. Failure to do so could result in us becoming victims, directly or indirectly’’. He emphasised.

The ACG stressed that customs officers must adhere strictly to established procedures to ensure accountability and efficiency. “We must be diligent in all that we do to justify the actions required of us. I urge everyone not to relent in following the laid-down procedures. The Tincan Island command, under the leadership of Comptroller Dera Nnadi, has demonstrated efficiency, particularly in intercepting and seizing illicit drugs, arms, and ammunition”.

Yusuf also praised the implementation of new trade facilitation tools, including the Time Release Study and the Advance Ruling System, which have been introduced to enhance operational efficiency.

Acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the Customs Area Controller (CAC), he commended the team for their hard work under his leadership. He called for increased vigilance, especially in light of recent security challenges and rising smuggling activities.

In his address, Comptroller Dera Nnadi explained that the command is committed to its statutory obligations, which include revenue generation, trade facilitation, and securing the nations border.

“We have been creating an enabling environment for stakeholders engaged in legitimate trade, and we declared this year as the year of stakeholders in the command”, he said.

Nnadi reported that as of 24 July 2024, the command had collected six hundred and sixty-nine billion, five hundred and sixty-one million, nine hundred and forty-seven thousand naira (N669,562,947,000) and affirmed that the command remains focused on its revenue target for the year.

He also highlighted challenges, particularly regarding office infrastructure, and stressed the need for renovation.

The CAC appreciated the Zonal Coordinator for taking the time to visit the command and offer valuable advice to the officers.

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Customs Corner

Comptroller Seriki Strengthens Alliance with Oil & Gas Free Zone Authority



Comptroller Seriki Strengthens Alliance with Oil & Gas Free Zone Authority

…Reassures of Command’s Operational Efficiency

By Vivian Daniel

The Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the PH Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Command, Onne, Rivers State, Comptroller Usman Seriki, on Monday, 22 July 2024, paid a courtesy call to the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Oil and Gas FTZ Authority, Bamanga Jada, in his office at Mable House, Onne, Rivers State, to consolidate relations with the officials.

This was contained in a press statement signed on Tuesday, 23 July 2024, by the Command Public Relations Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Customs II, Paul Gimba, on behalf of the Customs Area Controller.

According to the statement, this aligns with the policy thrust of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, to collaborate with stakeholders for efficiency in revenue drive, suppression of smuggling, and facilitation of legitimate trade.

The CAC assured the MD of upholding and improving the established relationship between both organisations regarding trade facilitation and supervising compliance in the Free Zone.

“This relationship is significant because it will enhance operational efficiency, trade facilitation, and regulatory compliance in the Oil and Gas Free Zone,” he re-emphasized.

The MD appreciated the CAC and the Service for contributing to the many success stories of the Free Trade Zone. He added that “this cooperation can further contribute to overall economic growth by boosting trade volume, creating a more efficient and attractive business environment in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Zone.”

The General Manager of Operations, Oil and Gas Free Zone Authority, Adekunle Ajayi, recognised that the harmony between the two agencies has diminished bureaucratic bottlenecks and ensured seamless processes in the environment.

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