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Coronavirus: Social Science Approach Is Needed In Nigeria- Prof. Adamu



Adamu COVID-19 Kano

Coronavirus: Social Science Approach Is Needed In Nigeria- Prof. Adamu

Prof Yusuf Adamu, Professor at Bayero University, Kano, said the social science approach should be used in Nigeria against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Starting from China in December 2019 and also expanding to the world as early as February 2020, COVID-19 has been a global threat to the world at has created social, medical, and economic upheavals not seen in recent history. The diffusion of COVID-19 started as hierarchical diffusion moving to more economically advanced countries then latter to developing countries. Noting the first index in Nigeria to be an Italian who came to Lagos. Relocation diffusion started when people from Europe, the Middle East ( Dubai) traveled back to African countries.

The disease diffused to states surrounding Lagos and later to Abuja. The arrival of the disease to Abuja and Bauchi opened a corridor for diffusion in the northern part of the country. Within a small period, Kano tested positive, and Kano became a new epicenter and the new phase of the diffusion of the disease started. By early March 2020, most of the diffusion is from people who had contact with the outside world but by April we began to see expansion diffusion which shows the onset of community transmission.

From the time of the first outbreak in Wuhan, many countries have noted that it is just a matter of time before the disease goes global and some countries took measures. Some countries took longer time to do what is necessary, for instance, it took Nigeria time to close its borders, States where waiting for the first positive case to start taking action and many other shortcomings. Even the agency that is now on the helms of Covid-19 affairs, the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) which had been around for many years is not fully ready for the pandemic having no idea of disease with this global proportion and little knowledge about it. With an estimated population of 200 million, we are yet to reach 32000 tests.

The idea of lockdown is so strange and the attending consequences, also make some States slow in taking the decision. The pandemic reached a nation that lacks basic health infrastructure, poor database, high poverty rate, laziness and dependence on government, lack of trust, as well as high ignorance, fatality, and corruption.

It became a kind of a buying-time game when the state government will be telling its people ‘thank God, for us in this State, the disease has not come’ while in reality, infected people have already returned home. Take the northwestern part of the country for instance, by the time the disease was ravaging Lagos and Abuja, thousands of migrant workers are openly returning back to their homes in cities and villages, nobody knows how many of them were positive. All the states waited for a first index case while none of them had a testing center.

It took Kano long before we had our first testing Centre which was started with so many challenges. Kano as a hub in the north should have had its Centre from the onset, but we wasted a lot of time, NCDC was busy building centers in the south while not minding the danger Kano will pose to other parts of the country. It also took longer to impose lockdowns within our States, which were failures and we all know. There is resistance from Ulama, businessmen, poor people who feed on daily labor, and many other groups. At the moment, we have a diverse understanding and perspectives on the disease.

There are 6 categories of people at least in Kano as per as Covid-19 perceptions are concerned as follows;

  1. Those who believe that Covid-19 is real, it is contagious, is with us, and people are being infected. These categories of people are those that are fearful of the disease and are taking frantic measures to protect themselves and their families.
  2. Those who believe that Covid-19 is real but it is not yet in Kano, all those who are reported to have Covid-19 may be suffering from other conditions such as malaria, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease and this group is reluctant in self-protection.
  3. Those who believe it is Covid-19 is real and there is an outbreak in Europe and the US but the pandemic has not reached Kano because they didn’t witness the chaos and the death reported in other countries for this group, there is no outbreak of Covid-19 in Kano at least.
  4. Those who don’t believe that Covid-19 exists and the whole issue is a hoax deliberately created by State government in order to get money from the Federal Government and other sources, they care not about self-protection.
  5. Those who believe that it is Covid-19 but were created and deliberately spread by the Western world to stop Muslims from congregational prayers and ultimately reduced their population. This group believed that their faith in Allah and love for the Holy Prophet is enough a bulwark from Covid-19 and take those who fear the pandemic as having weak faith and this is the most defiant.


6. Yet there is another group that believes Covid-19 is real and it is contagious and being spread but that they must have already gotten the virus and have naturally recovered so are not likely going to either get or spread the virus. This group believed that they have experienced some signs and symptoms of the disease such as loss of smell and taste, fever, cough, and some others and have recovered. They don’t bother.

With these categories, different levels of knowledge, awareness, and the most important perception of the whole pandemic, it will be extremely difficult for medical experts to get ahead of the matter while noting that only one group is truly keeping safe. We have not done enough to understand the dynamics because we are all busy thinking it is an entirely medical problem. If we look at all the committees set up by the Federal and State Governments on the management of the pandemic and all the efforts being put we realized that;

  1. Medical perspective and health workers have dominated the whole exercise, while they are required for treatment and cure, their role in prevention may be less without the proper understanding of the nature of their subject.
  2. Most of the interventions currently used by the government are not likely based on any empirical research but largely based on lessons learned from other counties with different social and economic settings.
  3. To my knowledge so far, no government-funded research is going on in order to understand the dynamics of the response of people to the efforts by the government.
  4. Social Scientists who hold the key to understanding people’s attitudes and perceptions in this period are totally ignored.

While there are hundreds of social science faculties and a Social Science Academy existing in Nigeria, all you hear from universities in the production of hand sanitizers, ventilators and looking for a cure, even universities failed to engage their social science resource in the fight, they failed to note that all that we do may not succeed if we do not understand the target, that is, man. To control the pandemic, we need to go beyond testing and isolation centers because people may refuse to go. Nigerian Universities have brilliant social scientists who have the expertise and there willing to provide support in the fight against Covid-19 in Nigeria. Despite the strangulation and callousness of agents of the Federal Government to kill the morale and frustrate University Lecturers, many academics are up and doing in this fight. Let us give a few examples of how some social scientists can help.

Geographers, with reliable data can map the distribution of the disease by location and even predict the risk and identify the environmental factors that influence the spread of the disease within an area. Medical geographers can even show the distribution of people by their perception and recommend the best approach to reach and changing their beliefs and perception in order to help stop the spread. Sociologists and Psychologists can help us understand the attitudes of people to different approaches by the government. They can advise governments on the best approach to get people to comply and identify the weaknesses of the currently used approach.

Economists will help us quantify the economic impact of the pandemic, the effects of the lockdown on families and the economy but also provide insights on how to help the weak and start making arrangements on addressing such impacts. Political scientists will help the government develop policy documents based on them as well as provide insights on what to do to address the damage caused by the pandemic. Communication experts will do a lot of work here by designing appropriate messages to be communicated to people in order to sensitize them and help in changing their attitudes. With these inputs, it is more likely that we will slow or even stop the spread by ensuring people behave well.

At the moment when states are easing lockdowns and not knowing whether or not their citizens are more likely to abide by maintaining social distances in shops, offices, places of worship, clubs and other public arenas, not insisting the use of hand sanitizers in public places and of course use of face mask, one can only hope for the best. Even during lockdowns, Muslims in Kano at least, pray at local mosques without necessarily using soap or hand sanitizers to wash their hands before entering the mosques, without using face masks and without respecting social distance, what do we expect when the lockdown is lifted?

To many people, easing lockdown is tantamount to the pandemic is over. As we continue to ease the lockdowns in the north citing Borno, Adamawa, Gombe, and the Zamfara States who ease the lockdown most likely from the immense pressure of religious leaders and as expected, Kano has also eased by making three days including Friday free days, soon Christians in Kano will cry out, we will end up with 4 days out of seven as free days and 3 days will be left as lockdown days. Kano State government has given guidelines for Friday and Eid prayers, it remains to be seen whether they will be respected. Although some are hypothesizing that areas that malaria-endemic areas may fare better than non-endemic areas, which what is happening now and if what has happened in Europe and United States is anything to go by, it can as well be argued that our pandemic is yet to start.

The consequences of easing the lockdowns without the appropriate attitudinal change, something social scientists might help on, we may be in for mass infections since vaccines are yet to be available. In any case, vaccines, even if available are not likely to be accepted by our people, therefore as Professor Usman Yusuf said in a recent article there could be a possibility of getting a herd immunity which he said will require about 140 million Nigerians to be infected, this can only be imagined. How can the Nigerian health system handle this? But we can console ourselves and hope, God in his infinite mercy will decide to shield us from coronavirus noting our weaknesses, then things will be better.

In spite of this consolation, we must work hard to reach the populace and help stop the spread. We must remain vigilant and proactive and open, this is why we need a more multidisciplinary approach in this battle. We are all in it together and we all have to work together to fight for our lives. Governments should and must involve social scientists in this fight. It makes a huge difference, I believe.

Adamu a Professor of Medical Geography and Social Science Academy of Nigeria Laureate, teaches at the Department of Geography, Bayero University, Kano. (

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TMP Presents Equipments to CGC Adeniyi, Strengthens Collaboration



Author: Abra Iruoghene.

The Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC), Adewale Adeniyi, received a customised generator and a bus on behalf of the Service from the Chairman of the Trade Modernization Project (TMP), Saleh Ahmadu, on 5 July 2024, at the Project Management Office domiciled at the
Nigeria Customs Service Management Quarters in Abuja.

CGC Adeniyi expressed appreciation to TMP for the equipment presented to the Service. He said, “On behalf of all officers and men, I appreciate this gesture that TMP has done for us through the presentation of the 250KVA generator and the 13-seater 2024 Toyota Hiace bus.”

Adeniyi disclosed that the Service is aware of TMP’s efforts in providing tools and equipment needed to drive the modernisation program. He said, “We know that computers alone will not work by themselves; they will not effect the desired modernisation that we need.”

He added, “It will require human input, and the working environment of these elements is very important as well as those tools. So, we therefore appreciate these efforts you put in place to help us enhance the working environment and also improve the welfare of these officers.”

Furthermore, he applauded the Trade Modernization Project for being a worthy and dependable partner in their modernisation drive. He noted that the equipment delivered would be put to good use to bring added value to NCS operations.

Additionally, Adeniyi encouraged the officers, from the rank of Assistant Comptroller and Deputy Comptroller, undergoing special training by the TMP in preparation for the management duties of the Service, to be attentive and acquire the necessary knowledge to discharge their responsibilities and take up the task ahead of them professionally.

Mr Saleh Ahmadu, the Chairman of the Trade Modernization Project (TMP), who handed over the equipment, said the bus was for the effective movement of personnel between the headquarters and the TMP office, while the generator was for constant power supply to the management quarters of the NCS. He acknowledged the CG for his continuous support and collaboration.

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Customs Synergize With NNPCL to Tackle Fuel Smuggling



As Operation Whirlwind Records Tremendous Victories

Author: Iruoghene.

In a bid to conquer the war against the smuggling of petroleum products in Nigeria, the Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC) Adewale Adeniyi has reassured his commitment to reinvigorate the existing collaboration between the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Limited to effectively combat the smuggling of petroleum products outside Nigeria.

In a meeting with the delegates from NNPC on Friday 5, 2024, at the headquarters of the NCS in Abuja, CGC Adeniyi stated that smuggling constitutes a severe national burden on the Nigerian economy. He said the current habitual that exists in the prices of fuel between Nigeria and the neighbouring countries creates a very huge incentive for smuggling, and that is why NCS, through ‘Operation Whirlwind’ is working with other stakeholders to intensify their efforts in ensuring that smuggling of Premium Motor Spirits (PMS) is brought to the barest minimum.

He said, “The operations that we have done have thrown up a number of issues, but despite them, I am happy we have made fantastic seizures from different parts of the country, and we saw the ingenious ways in which smugglers take supplies from depot and place in their stations. The stations might look empty from the front. Still, directly behind, they have linked the hoses through some artificial holes created in their walls into waiting jerrycans and vehicles from where they take them across the borders”.

Still speaking, he said, “It is an act of economic sabotage, and those that we have seen, we have arrested them, confiscated the product that were seen, we sealed up the filling stations, and we have handed them over to the regulatory authorities to handle. Some filing station operators tactically devise means to smuggle fuel in a way that is not noticeable.

Adeniyi disclosed that fighting the heinous crime is a significant operation, creating a considerable burden on NCS resources, but it has been a very rewarding exercise for NCS. He said, “We felt that we could have a very good partnership with NNPC for us to sustain this operation over a period of time”.

Expressing his excitement, the CGC said, “We are happy we had a secondment from the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA). But customs need a situation room where we get data that speak on the issue of enhancing our capacity. Also, our personnel will be motivated and taken care of, so they won’t be in a situation of compromising”.

Also, the Coordinator of ‘Operation Whirlwind’ Comptroller of Customs, Hussein Ejibunu, stated that the operation started 5 weeks ago and has recorded great victories. He said, “There is no operation that does not have challenges, and we have been able to put them aside with the help of the CGC. We have tackled fuel smuggling not only in Adamawa but across the nation. We recently showcased about 79000 litres of fuel that was about to be smuggled out of Kebbi state. This is an indication that we are desirous to do the job, but we need absolute support of the border communities and other agencies”.

Mele Kyari, the Group Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Limited, stated that the Smuggling of PMS is a major National challenge for the country, and he requested the CGC’s help to minimise the smuggling of PMS outside Nigeria.

He revealed that the volume of fuel smuggled has reduced drastically due to the establishment and efforts of ‘Operation Whirlwind’. He said, “We are available to provide any necessary support to combat this crime in our borders. We are happy to work with you, and we appreciate you for the enormous impact of your collaboration so far”.

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PCR Tests for Travellers Fraudulent, Probe NCDC, Ministry – WHO Envoy



PCR Tests for Travellers Fraudulent, Probe NCDC, Ministry – WHO Envoy

The World Health Organisation’s Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, Ayoade Alakija, has called for an investigation of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and the Ministry of Health over the required COVID-19 PCR tests for inbound passengers to Nigeria.


Alakija, in a tweet via her official Twitter handle, @yodifiji, wondered why the PCR tests were done with no reagents.
According to reports, the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Ifedayo Adetifa, had earlier insisted that Nigeria would not scrap COVID-19 tests for inbound passengers into the country.

Adetifa had said the country was reporting a high rate of COVID-19 cases from inbound passengers, hence the need for the insistence of the tests.
Alakija, reacting to a tweet by a journalist, David Hundeyin, tweeted, “It’s a scam. The entire thing is a criminal enterprise and should be exposed. “Diagnostic tests to enter a country where the government officials have interest in Dx test centres. PCR tests with no reagents? NCDC and MOH should be investigated. It is a scam, period.”

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