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Ex-DCG: Customs gain is being destroyed by Politics 



Nigeria Custom Service

Ex-DCG: Customs gain is being destroyed by Politics

A former Deputy Comptroller General (DCG) of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Mr. Afolayan Jejeloye, has said Nigeria would have had one of the best Customs service without exception, but for claimed politicization of the pursuit of the agency.

He advised the Federal Government to step aboard on organizing differently in the NCS to stand up to the provocation of gathering in enough revenues that make up for the shortage in oil revenues due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking with reporters on the ills of the underutilisation, corruption and inefficiency in the NCS, Jejeloye said that the agency could have been more effective as a revenue generation body, but for lack of motivation for its personnel.

Jejeloye regretted that the career of the NCS was heavily politicised to the extent that many officers can’t get to the pinnacle of their career due to politics and interference.

“The Federal Government must spend more on the training of personnel. They must be made to acquire the right training in the areas of anti-smuggling techniques, revenue generation drives, border protection, import and export management and others.

“We know there is corruption in the system and Customs can’t be an exemption, but NCS operatives are not the one doing smuggling or bribing people to compromise at borders.

“If you secure employment into NCS, you are not sure that you will get career progression. You don’t know when your employment will be terminated and this accounts for the corruption in the system.

“Let me say this, today in the NCS, most of our men at the borders are not given transport or any other allowance and if they see someone who can give little stipend, they will gladly dive and grab it,” Jejeloye said.

“I have never seen a situation where someone was brought from outside to be Inspector-General of  Police or Chief of Army Staff or Comptroller General of Prison, but this happens constantly in the NCS and it is destroying the system.

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”Our officers must be encouraged. When you don’t know when your career will cut short abruptly, you are bound to misbehave. Even the corruption they are talking about, NCS is not the worst in Nigeria.

“It is high time the government allowed the NCS to run. We have to restructure the system to allow for dignity of labour.

“The government must bring that ray of hope that our officers will have bright careers in NCS, that they will have good welfare package, can rise to the pinnacle without ceiling, they will be ready to stop smuggling, be more effective at ports and generate more revenue for our country,”  Jejeloye said.

Jejeloye said now that the nation is experiencing a slump in the prices of crude oil in the international market, there is need to diversify and strengthen the non-oil sector, where he noted that the NCS will play a pivotal role.

The former NCS boss said that the economy would suffer collapse if proper restructuring was not carried out in the organisation’s revenue generation exploits.

“The sudden sliding of our economy into recession is a lesson to all of us. It teaches us that we must be prepared all the time in proper planning for steady economic growth and putting up proper strategies to solve any sudden economic challenge, like Coronavirus.

“We must learn how to make profits in every opportunity available to us. If we have diversified to develop, the Coronavirus issue can’t be a serious issue.

“NCS is a source of income generation in our nation and we have to make judicious and maximum use of it through personnel restructuring, that is, putting the right persons in the right positions, good welfare and incentive packages and bright career progression,” he said.



Crime Watch

Gunmen Attack NDLEA Headquarters in Ebonyi, Kill One Police Officer



Gunmen have attacked the headquarters of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Ebonyi State, killing one police officer. The incident happened on Tuesday, the Ebonyi State Police Command spokesperson, Loveth Odah, said. According to her, two of the gunmen were also killed in the duel.




While narrating how the incident happened, she said the Ebonyi Police Commissioner, Aliyu Garba, got a distress call from the NDLEA Commandant in the south-east state at about 2:30 am on Tuesday informing him of the attack. According to her, the gunmen drove into the NDLEA headquarters in a Toyota 4Runner Jeep, shooting sporadically at the men on duty.

The Commission immediately mobilised a combined team of a mobile police force and military personnel to the area and promptly repelled the attack. Some of the gunmen later escaped with bullet injuries while two rifles (AK-49 and K2) with 140 K2 live ammunition, 30 AK-47 live ammunition, and 36 GPMP were recovered from the assailants.

Other things recovered were 65 Barreta Pistol live ammunition, one Toyota 4Runner Jeep, some chairs, and other incriminating items, the police spokesperson added. Efforts are ongoing to arrest the fleeing gunmen, she said.

Aside from security officers, other public establishments including offices of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) have been attacked.
Stakeholders fear that the rising wave of gunmen attacks in the southeast may affect the 2023 elections.


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Boko Haram Fighters, Terrorists Killed in Borno and Katsina States



Boko Haram Fighters, Terrorists Killed in Borno and Katsina States

Reports are coming in that Nigerian troops have successfully neutralized around 100 Boko haram/ISWAP terrorists while another 174 have surrendered to the Nigerian military.

Maj-gen. Bernard Onyeuko, Director, Defence Media Operations, disclosed this, Thursday while speaking to the press concerning military operations across the country.


Accoring to him, this comes after weeks of operations by the Nigerian armed forces. Troops of operation hadin kai, between the 24th of February and 10th march, 2022, conducted clearing operations in the fight against insecurity in Nigeria.

Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha, has come out to say that over 30,000 Boko haram/ISWAP terrorists along with their famines have surrendered in the north east of the country.

The SGF stressed the government’s dedication to ending insecurity in Nigeria with the use of kinetic and no-kinetic approaches.

Read Also: Army Inflict heavy Casualty on Boko Haram

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Crime Watch

BAMISE’S MURDER: BRT Driver Remanded for 30 Days



BAMISE’S MURDER: BRT Driver Remanded for 30 Days

A Yaba Magistrates’ Court in Lagos has remanded for 30 days a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) driver, Mr. Andrew Nice, over his alleged involvement in the death of his passenger, Oluwabamise Ayanwole.

The Court made the order following an application by the Police on the count charge of alleged murder, sexual assault, misconduct and interference with a corpse.


Bamise, 22, was found dead last Monday on Carter Bridge, Lagos Island, nine days after she was declared missing after she boarded Nice’s vehicle.

Read Also: Sunday Igboho’s Detention in Benin Republic Extended by ‘Six Months’

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