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FG vs Obasanjo: Federal Government Fires Back



FG vs Obasanjo- Federal Government Fires Back

FG Vs Obasanjo – ” The Saga Continues “

FG Vs Obasanjo – We could all recalled how NPBS made known the Ex-president’s Words against President buhari

FG vs Obasanjo- Federal Government Fires Back

FG vs Obasanjo- Federal Government Fires Back

Federal Government yesterday hit back at Chief Olusegun Obasanjo for dismissing the President Muhammadu Buhari administration as corrupt, incompetent and unfocused.

It described the former president as a man on a failed mission with former vice president and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.

Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed told newsmen in Abuja that Obasanjo’s views on the administration was influenced by his support for his former deputy and PDP candidate.


He, however, said the All Progressives Congress (APC) government was not perturbed by the ex-president’s endorsement of Atiku, arguing that endorsement does not win elections.


Former president Obasanjo, in a statement on Sunday, said he cannot sit on the fence over 2019 election because “only a fool will sit on the fence or be neutral when his or her country is being destroyed with incompetence, corruption, lack of focus, insecurity, nepotism, brazen impunity and denial of the obvious.”

The former president reassured Nigerians that he will not sit on the fence when he needed to be out and active for people to know where he stands in the best interest of Nigeria.

According to him, it was in the best interest of the country and Nigerians, to ensure Buhari’s second term bid is frustrated and defeated.

But replying the former president, Mohammed submitted, “with due respect to former president Obasanjo, it is his constitutional right to support any candidate of his choice. We urge him to go out and campaign vigorously for any candidate that he wants to support.

“I don’t think the former president has hidden his preference for the former vice president, Atiku Abubakar. We wish him the best of luck. But I want to assure you that his candidate will be defeated roundly and comprehensively.

“It is not about endorsement; endorsement doesn’t win elections. We wish him the best of luck.”

Specifically focusing on Obasanjo’s accusation of corruption and incompetence against the government, the minister said the situation on ground issharply opposed to the claims.

He contended that the Buhari government has fought corruption more than any administration in the history of the country.

“I am always a bit apprehensive when you are responding to criticisms from a former president and the calibre of Obasanjo who I have a lot of respect for. But the facts are all there; on corruption, this government has done more than any government in the history of this country to fight corruption.

“Corruption is endemic, it is global. But when you look at the kind of institutional reforms this government has put in place you cannot doubt its sincerity or commitment to fighting corruption.

“Corruption is not just about prosecuting and jailing people; it is more about what has been put in place to prevent people from looting the treasury. This is where this government has done more than any government did in the history of this country.

“I will start with the TSA; it was not initiated by this government but it is only this government that mustered the political courage and will to implement it. Before we came in, there were over 22,000 various accounts of government in various banks in Nigeria. Since we came in, we reduced them to one single treasury account. From 2015 to date, N8.9 trillion has passed through that TSA.

“At a glance, you know where every revenue and receipt of government is. It makes for transparency, accountability.

“Secondly, this government put in a strategy which is a roadmap for all the anti-corruption agencies on how to tackle corruption.

“There is what is called the NAM commission based strategy, which helps government to recover looted funds without convicting the people. As at today,


for this year alone, EFCC has been able to recover N794bn, $261m, €8m, £1.115 m, 295 vehicles and 407 mansions. They are in Federal Government kitty in form of permanent forfeiture.

In tackling corruption, this government has introduced what is called an efficiency unit in the Ministry of Finance. This unit examines every proposal to travel, estacode. It is on record that this government has saved N17 billion from travel expenses, gifts, etc.

“Under this government, more revenues now come into government than before. I can give example of JAMB. Between 2010 and 2015, it paid into the federation account the sum of N51 million. In 2017 alone, under this administration, JAMB paid N7.8 billion into the federation account.

“Another thing this government has done to ensure that there is transparency and that corruption is fought effectively is that today, as opposed to what used to happen in the past, there is a whistle-blowing policy. N8.1 trillion was missing in the federation account between 2010 and 2015. They were supposed to have been paid in by 15 revenue generating agencies. The whistle-blowing policy has been hugely successful. The government has been able to rake in N13.8 billion from whistle-blowing policy alone, N7.8 billion from corrupt officials.

“So when you look at what we have put on ground, institutional remedies, you agree with us that this government is more sincere and more committed to fighting corruption than any government in the history of the country.

“If the former president says the government is not performing I think he is not being properly briefed. We promised Nigerians that we are going to diversify the economy and one area where we have had resounding success is the area of food security.


He also shrugged off the outcry by the PDP and other opposition elements over the refusal of President Buhari to assent to the Electoral Bill. He said the opposition party is preparing excuses, which it will adduce for losing election in 2019.

“On the controversy over the decline of assent to Electoral Bill by President Buhari, Mohammed said it was within the powers of the president to do so if it would not be in the interest of the country. He said the opposition is crying wolf where there is none.

“I think Mr. President has already communicated the National Assembly why he is not signing that bill. If I remember, one of the reasons he did not sign the bill is that signing it at this point in time will create confusion and will not make for clarity.

“We are waiting for the response of the National Assembly on this matter. He pointed out certain errors which he felt the National Assembly should look into.

“You can see that PDP and the opposition are already preparing excuses for their eventual defeat. It will range from the Electoral Act to trader money. From there they will start saying that we are bribing children by one meal a day. We are investing in our children

“He accused the opposition of sprinkling up dose of fake news as a strategy to remain politically relevant, predicting that a lot of such news will dominate the space in the build-up to next year’s election.

“In the last one week alone, three fake news have been credited to me. One said that I said that the president could no longer speak and understand Fulfulde, his mother tongue because of the surgery he underwent in London which affected his ability to speak the language and it has affected his ability to remember anything.”

Courtesy: SUNnEWS


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Customs Corner

Customs, National Hospital Holds Service of Songs for Late DC Essien



Customs, National Hospital Holds Service of Songs for Late DC Essien

… To be Awarded with Post-Mortem Promotion to Comptroller of Customs

By Abra Iruoghene

The Nigeria Customs Service and the National Hospital held a Service of Songs for the Late Deputy Comptroller of Customs in charge of Revenue Etop Andrew Essien, who passed on on June 25 2024, at the National Assembly while making a presentation before the House Committee on Public Accounts.

The Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, while speaking at the event on 23 July 2024, noted he was out of the country when he heard the sad news of Essien’s demise. He said he was greatly bereaved to lose such a professional who was an epitome of excellence.

Describing DC Essien, Adeniyi said he was someone who took on every assignment and gave the best he had. “He was always prepared with facts and figures to defend the NCS”, he added.

Adeniyi said, “If money could bring him back, the Nigeria Customs Service would have done all they could to bring him back to life. The NCS will live up to those values he died for, which are Professionalism and Sincerity. ”

Still speaking, he said, “The NCS will give the late DC a burial of heroes. A meeting has been held on his behalf, and a proposal will be submitted to the Customs Board for a post-mortem promotion to the rank of Comptroller of Customs. Also, the children are now my friends. They are the children of heroes and will be treated as such. ”

He further encouraged officers to serve wholeheartedly with discipline and professionalism. Stating those who sacrifice their lives in the Nigeria Customs Service will not sacrifice in vain but will be remembered forever.

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Customs Corner

ACG Yusuf Emphasises Thorough Inspection to Prevent Entry of Illicit Items



ACG Yusuf Emphasises Thorough Inspection to Prevent Entry of Illicit Items

… Urges TCIP Officers to Adhere Strictly to Established Procedures

By Ibe Wada

The Zonal Coordinator of Zone A, Assistant Comptroller General of Customs (ACG) Saidu Yusuf, has emphasised the critical importance of intensifying cargo examination at Tincan Island Port to enhance national safety.

During his working visit to the command on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, Yusuf highlighted the necessity of rigorous checks to prevent the entry of expired products and illicit drugs into the country.

“We need to intensify our examination of cargo, as this is a main exercise for the Nigeria Customs Service. There is a need for thorough inspections at every stage, using the various parameters and tools provided by the service,” Yusuf stated.

“We also face issues with illicit and expired products. Beyond revenue collection, our role is to protect the lives and safety of the nation. Failure to do so could result in us becoming victims, directly or indirectly’’. He emphasised.

The ACG stressed that customs officers must adhere strictly to established procedures to ensure accountability and efficiency. “We must be diligent in all that we do to justify the actions required of us. I urge everyone not to relent in following the laid-down procedures. The Tincan Island command, under the leadership of Comptroller Dera Nnadi, has demonstrated efficiency, particularly in intercepting and seizing illicit drugs, arms, and ammunition”.

Yusuf also praised the implementation of new trade facilitation tools, including the Time Release Study and the Advance Ruling System, which have been introduced to enhance operational efficiency.

Acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the Customs Area Controller (CAC), he commended the team for their hard work under his leadership. He called for increased vigilance, especially in light of recent security challenges and rising smuggling activities.

In his address, Comptroller Dera Nnadi explained that the command is committed to its statutory obligations, which include revenue generation, trade facilitation, and securing the nations border.

“We have been creating an enabling environment for stakeholders engaged in legitimate trade, and we declared this year as the year of stakeholders in the command”, he said.

Nnadi reported that as of 24 July 2024, the command had collected six hundred and sixty-nine billion, five hundred and sixty-one million, nine hundred and forty-seven thousand naira (N669,562,947,000) and affirmed that the command remains focused on its revenue target for the year.

He also highlighted challenges, particularly regarding office infrastructure, and stressed the need for renovation.

The CAC appreciated the Zonal Coordinator for taking the time to visit the command and offer valuable advice to the officers.

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Customs Corner

Comptroller Seriki Strengthens Alliance with Oil & Gas Free Zone Authority



Comptroller Seriki Strengthens Alliance with Oil & Gas Free Zone Authority

…Reassures of Command’s Operational Efficiency

By Vivian Daniel

The Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the PH Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Command, Onne, Rivers State, Comptroller Usman Seriki, on Monday, 22 July 2024, paid a courtesy call to the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Oil and Gas FTZ Authority, Bamanga Jada, in his office at Mable House, Onne, Rivers State, to consolidate relations with the officials.

This was contained in a press statement signed on Tuesday, 23 July 2024, by the Command Public Relations Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Customs II, Paul Gimba, on behalf of the Customs Area Controller.

According to the statement, this aligns with the policy thrust of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Adewale Adeniyi, to collaborate with stakeholders for efficiency in revenue drive, suppression of smuggling, and facilitation of legitimate trade.

The CAC assured the MD of upholding and improving the established relationship between both organisations regarding trade facilitation and supervising compliance in the Free Zone.

“This relationship is significant because it will enhance operational efficiency, trade facilitation, and regulatory compliance in the Oil and Gas Free Zone,” he re-emphasized.

The MD appreciated the CAC and the Service for contributing to the many success stories of the Free Trade Zone. He added that “this cooperation can further contribute to overall economic growth by boosting trade volume, creating a more efficient and attractive business environment in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Zone.”

The General Manager of Operations, Oil and Gas Free Zone Authority, Adekunle Ajayi, recognised that the harmony between the two agencies has diminished bureaucratic bottlenecks and ensured seamless processes in the environment.

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